Scott Patterson Gentry
Scott Gentry Sculpture, LLC - 4307 Mossridge Court, Arlington, Texas 76016
Awards & Publications
International Prize LEONARDO DA VINCI - Florence, Italy [Feb 2022]
Art Olympic Prize - Italy [Nov 2021]
Gentry, Scott. "Continuum", ART International Contemporary Magazine. January/February 2022; 102.
Gentry, Scott. "Infinity", ART International Contemporary Magazine. November/December 2021; 101.
Solo Exhibitions
Kathleen Allen Showroom at The Muse on Slocum - Dallas, Texas, USA [2019]
deNovo - Dallas, Texas, USA [2013]
Urban Body Studios, "Expressions in Stone & Bronze" - Atlanta, Georgia, USA [2011]
The Brick, "Expressions in Stone & Bronze" - Dallas, Texas, USA [2011]
X10 Cellars - Dallas, Texas, USA [2008]
Federal Club (Centrum Building) - Dallas, Texas, USA [2007]
DIFFA (Centrum Building) - Dallas, Texas, USA [2007]
Cosmic Cafe - Austin & Dallas, Texas, USA [2007]
Galleria Pierra, "Expressions in Stone & Bronze" - Dallas, Texas, USA [2006]
Southside on Lamar Gallery - Dallas, Texas, USA [2006]
Dwellings 5 - Dallas, Texas, USA [2004]
Steve Martin Studio & Gallery - New Orleans, Louisiana, USA [2003]
Voltaire Restaurant, Valentine's Day Event - Dallas, Texas, USA [2002]
deNovo - Dallas, Texas, USA [2000]
Centrum Sports Club - Dallas, Texas, USA [1998]
Dual Exhibitions
Galleria Pierra, "Where Fashion & Art Connect" - Dallas, Texas, USA [2007]
Southside on Lamar Gallery - Dallas, Texas, USA [2003]
Mathew Travis Gallery - Houston, Texas, USA [2003]
Steve Martin Studio & Gallery - New Orleans, Louisiana, USA [2002]
Florence Art Gallery, "Color & Form"- Dallas, Texas, USA [2001]
Group Exhibitions
UN(Fair) Milano 2022 International Art Fair - Milan, Italy [2022]
Bruxelles Art Fair 2021 - Brussels, Belgium [2021]
Shemer Art Center, "Metal Works" - Scottsdale, Arizona, USA [2016]
Inherent Desgin Lab - Atlanta, Georgia, USA [2011 - 2013]
Steve Martin Studio & Gallery - Miami, Florida, USA [2007]
Frontiers of Flight Museum, Turtle Creek Chorale - Dallas, Texas, USA [2007]
Galleria Pierra, Architectural Digest Gala - Dallas, Texas, USA [2006]
Dallas Cowboys, Diabetes Fundraiser - Dallas, Texas, USA [2005]
Craighead Green Gallery - Dallas, Texas, USA [2005]
Dallas Museum of Art, "Beaux Arts Ball" - Dallas, Texas, USA [2004]
Craighead Green Gallery - Dallas, Texas, USA [2004]
Steve Martin Studio & Gallery - New Orleans, Louisiana, USA [2004]
Black Tie Fundraiser - Dallas, Texas, USA [2004]
Southside on Lamar Gallery, "Project Peace Pallet" - Dallas, Texas, USA [2003]
Fairmont Hotel Gallery - Dallas, Texas, USA [2003]
Florence Art Gallery - Dallas, Texas, USA [2003]
J. Douglas Design - Dallas, Texas, USA [2003]
Mathew Travis Gallery - Houston, Texas, USA [2003]
Steve Martin Studio & Gallery - New Orleans, Louisiana, USA [2002 - 2003]
Florence Art Gallery - Dallas, Texas, USA [2002]
Texas Sculpture Association Shows - Dallas, Texas, USA [2002]
Throckmorton Arts Festival - Dallas, Texas, USA [2002]
Razzle Dazzle Art Show - Dallas, Texas, USA [2001]
Dallas Visual Arts Center - Dallas, Texas, USA [2001]
Texas Sculpture Association Shows - Dallas, Texas, USA [2000]
500SX Gallery - Dallas, Texas, USA [1998]
Creative Arts Center - Dallas, Texas, USA [1998]
Education & Experience
2018 Studio Pescarella - Pietrasanta, Italy
Visiting Artist
2016 Studio Pescarella - Pietrasanta, Italy
Visiting Artist
2005 - 2007 Creative Arts Center - Dallas, Texas
Instructor - Stone Sculpting
Taught all techniques of stone carving, use of Italian tools, and pneumatic equipment, as well as methods of assembling and mounting found objects with stone to create mixed media sculpture.
2004 Creative Arts Center - Dallas, Texas
Resident Artist / Studio Facilitator
Hosted studio labs for other artists and students to facilitate safe use of sculpting materials and equipment during operation hours for the Center. Maintained active studio space to design and continue sculpting projects.
2001 Art City - Ventura, California
Student Artist
Studied Advanced carving techniques, pinning and sleeving, planing and stone lamination.
2000 Instituto Allende - San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
Student Artist
Studied the art of Lost-wax casting of bronze.
1999 Pietresanta School of Carving - Pietrasanta, Italy
Student Artist
Studied stone carving with an Italian Master Artisan
1998 Creative Arts Center - Dallas, Texas
Student Artist
Studied the basics of stone sculpting and carving.
2010 - present
2010 - present